技术 & 创新




Arizona is home to a growing entrepreneurial community with strong support from incubators, 加速器, 联合办公区, 天使投资人, business plan 比赛 and VC-pitching training. Founders benefit from Arizona’s tight-knit, collaborative community. The state is continuously recognized as the best place to test, launch and scale new ideas.








业务 Facilities Magazine State Ranking Report, 2021




业务 Facilities Magazine State Ranking Report, 2022


Arizona is a hotbed for innovators and 企业家 to start, 扩大和繁荣, which is why so many early-stage 公司 find commercialization success. The tight-knit startup ecosystem is supported by a community of incubators, 比赛, 加速器, 会议和更多.






亚利桑那创新挑战赛, one of the largest business plan 比赛 in the country, is designed to advance innovation and technology commercialization opportunities in Arizona by helping early-stage ventures scale. All AIC awardees participate in the 创业准备加速器 Program.

1 b美元投资组合



创业准备加速器 helps startups refine their business plans, improve go-to-market execution strategies and increase investor readiness. Awardees partner with an Entrepreneur-in-Residence who provides one-on-one coaching through five mandatory 面板 focused on key business objectives designed to commercialize innovations.

“作为一名创业者,我正在扩大一家科技公司的规模, place matters—and Arizona provides incredible talent, 连通性和资源.”

- Gregg Scoresby,创始人 & 首席执行官CampusLogic








The Arizona Commerce Authority and Stout Street Capital have partnered to bring high-growth tech startups and investors together twice a year at one of the largest venture capital conferences. The conference draws institutional venture capital investors from around the country. These investors will see potential deals with the fastest-growing tech startups from the central United States seeking to raise seed and series A rounds."


亚利桑那技术委员会, in partnership with the Arizona Commerce Authority, honors technology leaders and innovators from across the state with the annual Governor’s Celebration of 创新 Awards (GCOI). The prestigious gala is attended by hundreds of the state’s top leaders in business, 科技与政府. The council is also heavily involved in the Arizona SciTech Festival, which is anchored at the ACA. The festival is a statewide celebration of STEM workshops, exhibitions and conversations.



NACET的登月计划 is an initiative that accepts pitches from 企业家 and selects those with the most commercial possibilities. Moonshot’s campus is the Northern Arizona Center for Entrepreneurship and 技术 (NACET), a 38,000 square-foot facility in Flagstaff with office, laboratory and manufacturing space as well as conference and meeting rooms. NACET also provides startup assistance through 创新s Incubator in Chandler.



AZBio is a nonprofit trade organization with a streamlined mission to promote the growth of Arizona bioscience 公司. AZBio's signature Arizona Bioscience Week is the catalyst for tech events such as the 白帽投资者会议和 AZBio奖. The investor's conference showcases biotech 公司 across the southwest and AZBio奖 celebrates Arizona's leading educators, 创新者和公司. 除了, AZBio主办阿斯利康开拓者奖, honoring state leaders and officials who have made it possible to achieve significant gains in the bioscience industry.



弗林基金会的 生物科学创业计划 offers funding and support to promising Arizona bioscience startups, growing health care 企业家hip in Arizona. The foundation also works to strengthen Arizona’s bioscience innovations with the Bioscience Roadmap, 一个协作, 战略努力之间的基础, 州立大学和研究机构.



亚利桑那州的标志性科技活动, DesTechAZ, is built around three core pillars of innovation, 合作与教育. Presented by Woz 创新 Foundation and the Arizona Commerce Authority, DesTechAZ is held annually in October and features innovation leaders such as Steve Wozniack, 英特尔, Ethereum, 美国国家cq9电子论坛局, 喵狼和雅达利.


invision AZ CONVERGE科技创新峰会

Held annually on the greens of the Waste Management Phoenix Open, the Tech 创新 Summit brings together innovators, 企业高管, 风险投资家, 企业家, investors and other thought leaders to network and discuss Arizona’s tech ecosystem.



启动图森 is a community-oriented nonprofit committed to supporting the dreamers, builders and makers that fuel the future of the city of Tucson. One of 启动图森’s signature events is the TENWEST Impact Festival. 通过10天的展览, 讲座及互动体验, national experts and local leaders explore a wide range of transformative ideas. 在节日期间, 这家非营利组织主持了创意基金, one of Arizona’s largest conferences for 企业家. 这是一整天的球场比赛, 面板, 讨论, 围绕最佳实践的演讲者和网络, 创办公司的关键经验和下一步.



AZStartup基金会主办凤凰创业周, Arizona’s largest entrepreneurial event full of informative workshops, 鼓舞人心的演讲环节, multiple happy hours and limitless networking opportunities for startup founders, 团队, 投资者和支持者. The Startup Collective is StartupAZ’s signature initiative, designed to accelerate the performance of the region’s highest potential startup 公司. 新兴科技领袖将他们的才能结合起来, networks and resources to help each other achieve success in building their 公司 and creating a lasting impact in the community.

